英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 01:45:01
  • 单语例句

  • 双语例句

1. You can attend one less gathering with old buddies and instead scrub the floor, wash the dishes and do the laundry.

2. When kids say they would rather wash dishes than go to a Chinese school, something is very wrong in the ways they learn.

1. wash the dishes在线翻译

1. House in the water treatment device configured so that people can wash dishes, vegetables, toiletries such as toilet water red, full use and conservation of water, suited to China`s water shortage in the status quo; softened water have advanced equipment, used to soften the North hard water in some areas.

2. Expensive hobbies, and college education for the children; yet the hostess probably will cook the dinner herself, will serve it herself and will wash dishes afterward, furthermore the dinner will not consist merely of something quickly and easily assembled from contents of various cans and a cake or apie bought at the nearby bakery.

3. wash the dishes的解释

3. If you make dinner, I'll wash the dishes.

4. wash the dishes的近义词

4. We will not be able to drink, or water the flowers, or water the trees, or wash the dishes, or wash our clothes, or wash our faces, or take a bath.

5. wash the dishes

5. I must sweep the floor and wash dishes.

6. I can sweep the floor and wash the dishes.

7. No matter what she means, you must adhere to in your mother-in-law to do on there, because cooking is a good month, son of trouble, it is necessary to cooking dishes adults also children, it is necessary to do eat, wash the film, you also can do several times a lifetime sub on it?

8. Let me wash the dishes----would you prefer me to dry them?

9. wash the dishes的意思

9. Today, it is your turn to wash the dishes.

10. wash the dishes的解释

10. Now I always wash my lunch box by myself. Sometimes I forget about it, and Dad will wash it for me when he's doing the dishes.

11. They can clean their rooms, wash dishes, sweep, mop, dust, wash the car.

12. I had my son wash the dishes.

13. Why do I have to wash all the dishes?

14. All you have to do is wash the dishes, and then you can watch TV.

15. Rumei: Here, let me wash the dishes.

16. Be careful when you wash the dishes.

17. It is your job to wash the dishes.

18. wash the dishes

18. I need you to wash the dishes.


19. His punishment was to wash the dishes for an entire month.
对他的 惩罚是洗一个月的盘子。

20. wash the dishes

20. Before busy, first divide the work, I only a portion to eat not to wash the dishes

I always wash the dishes after supper.(我总是晚饭后刷碟子。)
Must I wash the dishes at once?(我必须立刻洗盘子吗?)
Be careful when you wash the dishes.(你洗碗时要小心。)
You wash the dishes and I'll dry them.(你洗餐具,我来把它们擦干。)
Do you want to help wash the dishes?(你想帮忙洗碗吗?)
If I clean the room, you wash the dishes.(如果我清扫房间,你就洗碟子。)
Fourth, I will wash the dishes.(第四,我会去洗餐具。)
Rumei: Here, let me wash the dishes.(如梅:来,让我来帮你洗盘子吧。)
Do you help to wash the dishes?(你帮助洗盘子吗?)
Shall I wash the dishes?(我来洗碗好吗?)
wash the dishes是什么意思 wash the dishes在线翻译 wash the dishes什么意思 wash the dishes的意思 wash the dishes的翻译 wash the dishes的解释 wash the dishes的发音 wash the dishes的同义词